Fintel reports that AMECX - INCOME FUND OF AMERICA has filed a NP form with the SEC disclosing ownership of 99,956.00K shares of B3 SA - Brasil Bolsa Balcao (B3SA3) valued at $255.19K.
In their previous filing dated December 29, 2022 they reported 96,956.00K shares, an increase of 3.09%.
What is the Fund Sentiment?
There are 279 funds or institutions reporting positions in B3 SA - Brasil Bolsa Balcao. This is an increase of 7 owner(s) or 2.57% in the last quarter. Average portfolio weight of all funds dedicated to B3SA3 is 0.65%, a decrease of 1.75%. Total shares owned by institutions decreased in the last three months by 2.72% to 1,957,273K shares.
What are Large Shareholders Doing?
CWGIX - CAPITAL WORLD GROWTH & INCOME FUND holds 194,815K shares representing 3.37% ownership of the company. In it's prior filing, the firm reported owning 209,497K shares, representing a decrease of 7.54%. The firm decreased its portfolio allocation in B3SA3 by 5.00% over the last quarter.
NEWFX - NEW WORLD FUND INC holds 154,950K shares representing 2.68% ownership of the company. In it's prior filing, the firm reported owning 138,325K shares, representing an increase of 10.73%. The firm decreased its portfolio allocation in B3SA3 by 13.73% over the last quarter.
GBLAX - AMERICAN FUNDS GLOBAL BALANCED FUND holds 130,427K shares representing 2.25% ownership of the company. No change in the last quarter.
CAIBX - CAPITAL INCOME BUILDER holds 120,261K shares representing 2.08% ownership of the company. In it's prior filing, the firm reported owning 94,751K shares, representing an increase of 21.21%. The firm increased its portfolio allocation in B3SA3 by 3.08% over the last quarter.
EWZ - iShares MSCI Brazil ETF holds 91,889K shares representing 1.59% ownership of the company. In it's prior filing, the firm reported owning 86,440K shares, representing an increase of 5.93%. The firm increased its portfolio allocation in B3SA3 by 8.38% over the last quarter.
This story originally appeared on Fintel.
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