Those who incorporate assistance into their personal finances will be happy to know that shopping on Amazon just got a lot more accessible. The online retailer now accepts Cash EBT payments from shoppers in 18 states.
Anyone who receives Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash assistance on their EBT card is now able to use their benefits to pay for eligible Amazon items. According to the FAQs on Amazon, you don’t even need a Prime membership, as a valid EBT card issued by a supported state is all that’s required to purchase eligible items.
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To use this benefit, simply add eligible items to your cart and select “Cash EBT” at checkout. The purchase will then be deducted from your account and the items will soon be on their way to you.
SNAP benefits are accepted nationwide on Amazon, but unfortunately this isn’t the case for Cash EBT payments. Here’s a look at the 18 states where Cash EBT payments are currently accepted on Amazon.
Also here’s more helpful information on SNAP and EBT assistance.
18 States Amazon Accepts Cash EBT
If you live in one of the following 18 states, you can now use Cash EBT when shopping on Amazon.
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Colorado
- Florida
- Hawaii
- Illinois
- Idaho
- Kentucky
- Missouri
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- Oregon
- Tennessee
- Washington
- Washington, D.C.
- West Virginia
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Types of Eligible Items
Most products and services on Amazon can be paid for with Cash EBT. This includes non-food items, shipping fees and items sold by third-party sellers.
However, you’re not able to purchase digital items, subscriptions, Prime memberships, drinking alcohol, jewelry or products related to gambling, tobacco, firearms, adult entertainment or marijuana. You’re also not able to shop at Amazon Fresh or Whole Foods Market with the funds.
If you have any non-eligible items in your cart, you can still purchase them with alternate funds. Just add an additional payment method at checkout to cover the cost of these products.
Now that Amazon accepts Cash EBT in certain states, this can be a game changer. Products that were once out of reach or required you to strain your budget to purchase are now covered by the program.
There’s no word yet on when other states will be added to the list, so stay tuned if your state isn’t one of the 18 noted above.
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This article originally appeared on Amazon Is Now Accepting Cash EBT Payments in 18 States — Is Yours One of Them?
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