The NASDAQ 100 After Hours Indicator is down -.43 to 4,366.65. The total After hours volume is currently 30,765,839 shares traded.
The following are the most active stocks for the after hours session :
Pfizer, Inc. ( PFE ) is -0.0059 at $29.53, with 2,155,324 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for PFE is in the "buy range".
Ambev S.A. ( ABEV ) is +0.001 at $4.82, with 1,944,508 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for ABEV is in the "buy range".
SanDisk Corporation ( SNDK ) is +0.03 at $75.77, with 1,785,786 shares traded. SNDK's current last sale is 97.14% of the target price of $78.
VALE S.A. ( VALE ) is +0.02 at $3.56, with 1,374,333 shares traded. VALE's current last sale is 89% of the target price of $4.
BlackBerry Limited ( BBRY ) is +0.07 at $7.95, with 1,318,033 shares traded. As reported in the last short interest update the days to cover for BBRY is 16.245485; this calculation is based on the average trading volume of the stock.
Oracle Corporation ( ORCL ) is +1.44 at $40.18, with 913,415 shares traded. Market Realist Reports: Microsoft Frees Its SQL Server to Run on Linux
Microsoft Corporation ( MSFT ) is unchanged at $53.59, with 904,087 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for MSFT is in the "buy range".
Staples, Inc. ( SPLS ) is unchanged at $9.60, with 879,060 shares traded. SPLS's current last sale is 80% of the target price of $12.
Bank of America Corporation ( BAC ) is -0.01 at $13.56, with 713,336 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for BAC is in the "buy range".
eBay Inc. ( EBAY ) is unchanged at $23.58, with 693,932 shares traded. EBAY's current last sale is 84.21% of the target price of $28.
Nokia Corporation ( NOK ) is +0.02 at $6.03, with 677,943 shares traded. NOK's current last sale is 86.14% of the target price of $7.
Apple Inc. ( AAPL ) is -0.08 at $104.50, with 671,404 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for AAPL is in the "buy range".
The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.
The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.