Acorns Advisers, LLC Buys Vanguard REIT ETF - DNQ, Vanguard S&P 500, Sells Vanguard ...

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Acorns Advisers, LLC

  • Added Positions: VNQ , VOO , VWO ,
  • Reduced Positions:VB,

For the details of Acorns Advisers, LLC's stock buys and sells, go to http://www.gurufocus.com/StockBuy.php?GuruName=Acorns+Advisers%2C+LLC

These are the top 5 holdings of Acorns Advisers, LLC

  1. Vanguard REIT ETF - DNQ ( VNQ ) - 987,884 shares, 30.83% of the total portfolio. Shares added by 29.07%
  2. Vanguard Small-Cap ETF - DNQ ( VB ) - 98,200 shares, 30.12% of the total portfolio. Shares reduced by 79.39%
  3. Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets ( VWO ) - 1,323,382 shares, 19.86% of the total portfolio. Shares added by 17.89%
  4. Vanguard S&P 500 ( VOO ) - 234,787 shares, 19.19% of the total portfolio. Shares added by 23.11%

Added: Vanguard REIT ETF - DNQ ( VNQ )

Acorns Advisers, LLC added to the holdings in Vanguard REIT ETF - DNQ by 29.07%. The purchase prices were between $80.41 and $85.85, with an estimated average price of $82.94. The stock is now traded at around $82.79. The impact to the portfolio due to this purchase was 6.94%. The holdings were 987,884 shares as of 2017-03-31.

Added: Vanguard S&P 500 ( VOO )

Acorns Advisers, LLC added to the holdings in Vanguard S&P 500 by 23.11%. The purchase prices were between $205.31 and $220.15, with an estimated average price of $213.32. The stock is now traded at around $218.60. The impact to the portfolio due to this purchase was 3.6%. The holdings were 234,787 shares as of 2017-03-31.

Reduced: Vanguard Small-Cap ETF - DNQ ( VB )

Acorns Advisers, LLC reduced to the holdings in Vanguard Small-Cap ETF - DNQ by 79.39%. The sale prices were between $128.96 and $136.14, with an estimated average price of $132.29. The stock is now traded at around $134.42. The impact to the portfolio due to this sale was -23.92%. Acorns Advisers, LLC still held 98,200 shares as of 2017-03-31.

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This article first appeared on GuruFocus .

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.

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