
    LBMA Trade Data

    Shining a light on the global precious metals market

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    LBMA Trade Data

    Nasdaq is the sole provider of comprehensive, consistent and concise OTC data for the precious metals market. LBMA collates anonymous and aggregated trade information from LBMA members and provides a daily snapshot of the LBMA membership’s share of the Loco London and Loco Zurich OTC market for precious metals – covering Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium.

    LBMA Trade Data reporting service is owned by LBMA, disseminated by Nasdaq and available via the Bloomberg Terminal and Refinitiv Eikon.

    Contact us to receive free sample data.

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    Nasdaq is the sole provider of comprehensive, consistent and concise OTC data for the precious metals market. LBMA collates anonymous and aggregated trade information from LBMA members and provides a daily snapshot of the LBMA membership’s share of the Loco London and Loco Zurich OTC market for precious metals – covering Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium.

    LBMA Trade Data reporting service is owned by LBMA, disseminated by Nasdaq and available via the Bloomberg Terminal and Refinitiv Eikon.

    Contact us to receive free sample data.

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    $174.33 Billion
    Record Single Days Volume


    Available Via Market Data Vendors

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    LBMA Trade Data Live on Refinitiv Eikon

    LBMA Trade Data reports are available via Refinitiv Eikon terminals. The data sets available cover Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium.

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    LBMA Trade Data Live on Bloomberg

    LBMA-i Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium OTC data is available via the Bloomberg Terminal and data feed (B-PIPE).



    Weekly Analysis

    The precious metals market showed mixed trading patterns this week, with overall volumes trending lower despite price appreciation across the board. Gold volume declined 13.05% since last week, but still above 4-week average. Silver volumes declined 9.10% since prior week. Both Gold and Silver had a drop in volumes across all instrument types. Platinum appeared in the lead with the largest decline in OTC volume - 28.93%. This  was mainly driven by decline in Forward and Deposit transactions. Platinum spot stayed flat, while options had a significant increase. Palladium had an increase in volume this week. Same as Platinum, Palladium had a noticeable  uptick in Options transactions. Prices had a positive change for all Precious metals.


    Monthly Analysis

    Access the latest OTC Precious Metals Market Analysis from leading analysts, traders and market participants as they use LBMA Trade Data to identify trends, patterns and insights applicable to all segments of the market.

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    Access the latest OTC Precious Metals Market Analysis from leading analysts, traders and market participants as they use LBMA Trade Data to identify trends, patterns and insights applicable to all segments of the market.

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    Precious Metals Insights

    #TradeTalks: First quarter trends in the metals market and what that could signal ahead
    StoneX Financial Head of Market Analysis, EMEA & Asia Rhona O’Connell joins Jill Malandrino on Nasdaq #TradeTalks​ to review first quarter trends in the metals market and what that could signal ahead.
    Sep 03, 2021

    The LBMA Trade Data trademark is owned by LBMA and licensed by Nasdaq. LBMA Trade Data is a transparency service for the precious metals market delivered by Nasdaq. LBMA Trade Data collates anonymous and aggregated trade reporting data from LBMA members and publishes the total volumes traded.

    Full disclaimer

    The LBMA Trade Data trademark is owned by LBMA and licensed by Nasdaq. LBMA Trade Data is a transparency service for the precious metals market delivered by Nasdaq. LBMA Trade Data collates anonymous and aggregated trade reporting data from LBMA members and publishes the total volumes traded.

    Full disclaimer ->
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    LBMA Webinar Series

    LBMA's panel of experts explain how the data is useful for traders to gauge the size, shape and liquidity of the OTC market as represented by LBMA members as well as how it can support dialogue with regulators on such matters as NSFR. They also considered the impact of COVID-19 on trade volumes, and analyze platinum and palladium data to reveal how traders can use it to monitor their market share.

    LBMA Weekly Webinar Series

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