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    Nasdaq Anti Financial Crime

    Ensure transparent markets and root out criminal activity

    Nasdaq's Anti-Financial Crime solutions tackle nefarious activities across a range of compliance silos - detecting and fighting financial crime as it occurs.

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    Financial crime does not occur in isolation

    It’s not just about damaging trust in markets, or illegitimately enriching an individual. Criminality on exchanges supports a range of nefarious activities and behaviors.



    it takes a village

    Protect Your Business From Financial Crime

    Obtaining cutting-edge technology helps stay up to date with the sophistication and advancement of financial crime. Learn how Nasdaq's Anti-Financial Crime Solutions can help detect & prevent criminal activity in your industry.

    Obtaining cutting-edge technology helps stay up to date with the sophistication and advancement of financial crime. Learn how Nasdaq's Anti-Financial Crime Solutions can help detect & prevent criminal activity in your industry.

    Financial crime is a multi-trillion dollar enterprise that funds and enables narcotics trafficking, modern slavery, and other criminal activity.

    Financial inclusion has various approaches and can assist in mitigating advancement of financial crime

    Understanding the challenge, building awareness, promoting financial inclusion, and driving financial empowerment can build long-term financial well-being, freedom, and stability.

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    Stopping financial crime and market exploitation is particularly difficult due to its extended reach across different compliance silos, organizations, regions, and data pools.

    AFC case study

    Crimes can occur across multiple regions, industries, and in various forms

    Tracking crime across different silos improves the ability to detect and prevent the impact of illegal activities.

    abstract image of people in a crowd in the city

    Understanding irregularities in vast amounts of data can be vexing, especially alone

    Being able to effectively detect anomalies and prioritize areas for investigation is the difference between a false alarm and a critical discovery.

    Birds eye view of pedestrians crossing the street in a crosswalk

    The methods and tactics of fraudulent activity are constantly evolving

    Obtaining cutting-edge technology helps stay up to date with the sophistication and advancement of financial crime.

    What does an effective approach look like?

    Fighting financial crime effectively requires a multi-pronged approach, bridging the gaps between common areas of exploitation.

    How does Nasdaq put these principles into practice?

    The process of crime-stopping takes place at multiple levels, from detecting irregularities to investigating viable leads.

    Stay aware of financial crime, and know what you can do to stop it.

    Join Nasdaq’s crime-fighting network of private and public companies, educational institutions, nonprofits, and other organizations, all committed to combating the operation and impact of financial crime.

    Sign up to receive resources and information about emergent best practices, technologies, and crime-fighting innovations in this space. Remain aware of how to most effectively combat financial crime, and make disruption of financial crime activities an institutional priority.

    See in-depth surveillance coverage in action.

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    Nasdaq is able to leverage its unique position as connective tissue between different industries, regions, partners, and compliance silos to track a greater extent of financial crime.
    Nasdaq provides coverage across multiple compliance areas, and can give customers the holistic benefit of tracking an actor's crime across different silos.

    Nasdaq is very well known for our surveillance offerings. We offer similarly rigorous, first-class solutions in fraud detection and anti-money laundering as well. These different compliance zones also work complementarily with one another.

    Financial crime can have dire consequences, and support horrific activities including, but not limited to, human trafficking, narcotics trafficking, modern slavery, and terrorism.

    In short, yes. Other market technology offerings, such as market infrastructure tools, benefit from running open, fair, and transparent exchanges, which our Anti-Financial Crime tools support.

    Nasdaq has a vast reach as a global, connected financial entity; this allows us to provide solutions that track and disrupt financial crime in the way that it operates, between silos, and across the distinct individual zones it might arise in.


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