The year 2016 has been characterized by top line pressure for rail companies, as a result of weakness in the shipments of most commodity groups. Nearing the midway point in the year, total rail traffic has fallen around 8% year-over-year. Weakness in demand for coal as a result of low gas prices, weak steel shipments as a result of competition to the domestic industry from imports, and weak shipments of petroleum products as a result of a decline in drilling activity due to low oil prices , are some of the major factors contributing to the sharp decline in overall rail shipments. However, auto shipments and chemicals have been two bright spots for railroad companies rising 4.4% and 2.5% respectively year-over-year. Light-duty truck sales have boosted overall auto sales in the U.S., boosting rail automotive shipments as well, whereas steady U.S. economic growth has boosted manufacturing activity and the demand for, and production of, industrial chemicals, as well as the rail shipments of these commodities. Chemicals and auto shipments are likely to be the two major growth areas for rail companies in terms of shipments for the full year 2016 as well.
Have more questions about CSX? See the links below.
- What Is CSX's Revenue And EBITDA Breakdown?
- What Is CSX's Fundamental Value Based On 2015 Results?
- By What Percentage Did CSX's Revenue & EBITDA Grow In The Last 5 Years?
- How Has CSX's Revenue Composition Changed Over The Last 5 Years?
- By What Percentage Can CSX's Revenue & EBITDA Grow In The Next 3 Years?
- How Will CSX's Revenue Composition Change By 2020?
- What Would Be The Impact Of A 100 Basis Points Increase In CSX's Share Of U.S. Rail Intermodal Shipments?
- CSX: A Look Back At The Year 2015
- CSX's Q1 2016 Earnings Preview: Decline In Shipment Volumes And Fuel Surcharge Revenue To Negatively Impact Results
- How Have U.S. Rail Coal Shipments Been Impacted By Weak Natural Gas Prices?
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