Looking back, the Federal Reserve believed the decline in oil prices was good for the economy - and would provide a stimulus as consumers could spend the money saved on lower oil prices on other items.
A quick look shows the rate of consumption growth has declined from its peak in January 2015. Lower oil prices did not seem to lift consumption.
What I found interesting is that consumers are currently spending more on energy related items than they did before the recent decline in energy prices.
Increased consumer spending since the beginning of 2015 came from durable goods - and to a large extent from the auto sector. The consumer seems have invested the fuel savings on gas guzzling beasts. [graphic below from University of Michigan]
And consumers started driving more. The graph below is population adjusted miles driven.
Bankruptcies this Week: Goodrich Petroleum, SunEdison (fka MEMC Electronic Materials), Sao Paulo, Brazil-based Lupatech (f/k/a Valmicro Industria e Comercio de Valvulas - Chapter 15)
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The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.