What makes more sense, gold or bitcoin? Just a few short years ago, this question would have elicited howls of laughter from 99% of investors.
Bitcoin adherents were ridiculed by nearly everyone for even being involved with the product. Gold bugs are still exclaiming, "How dare someone even compare a faddish digital currency, not even a decade old, to thousands of years of gold's history?".
Even today, in the midst of what is one of the most fantastic bull runs of all time in any investment, bitcoin and the other cryptocurrencies are nowhere near mainstream acceptance. Many investors doubt bitcoin's worth, even wondering if it has any true value at all.
Despite the massive gains, when compared to gold, bitcoin is a mere blip on the timeline of history. But it's this widespread doubt and fear that make bitcoin superior to gold as an investment.
The public never gets fully involved with novel, world-changing technologies until after the first explosive move higher. Smart investors are quietly amassing bitcoin and the other blockchain-based assets during what I see as the early stage of a massive bull run.
I do not doubt that digital currencies and their blockchain backbone are the future of global commerce. In fact, it's apparent that the entire economic system is being forever altered by this technology. Investors who understand the changes taking place have already made fortunes, and there is still tremendous upside to come!
7 Reasons Bitcoin Is A Better Investment Than Gold
The internet has changed the world. It has taken mankind to the next level of knowledge and has helped return power to the individual. Decentralization via blockchain technology is the latest iteration of the internet's real potential. Here's why bitcoin will beat gold in the years to come.
1. The overwhelming trend from physical to digital solutions and processes is the philosophical underpinning supports the rise of cryptocurrencies. Data has taken over every industrial group, from financial markets to agriculture. It just makes sense that data-based currencies are the logical step away from gold as a store of value.
2. In the developed world, most everyone has or wants a smartphone. You can't hold gold in your smartphone, but it is perfect for keeping bitcoin and other crypto-assets via a digital wallet.
3. The move to digital currencies is one of the final steps in the evolution of economics. Commerce began with the bartering of physical goods. Next, the world relied on gold, silver, and other commodities to store value and trade with others. Paper money and coins backed by gold allowed the acceleration of global business and made the trading of labor for needs and wants much more accessible for all strata of the economic system. In the last century, the gold standard was dropped entirely, with currencies supported by nothing but faith in governments.
The rise of the internet has allowed for the nearly instantaneous transfer of value from individual to individual and institutions around the globe. Today, we think nothing of paying for coffee with an iPhone app or using online payment providers such as PayPal (Nasdaq: PYPL ) to buy something. Soon, it will be widely accepted that the blockchain provides the security and backing needed for currencies.
4. Our interactions have been forever changed by data. A classic example is Uber. When the internet was first popularized, it was impossible to trust others online -- there was simply no system of accountability in place. It was also considered extremely dangerous to get into a stranger's automobile.
Fast forward to today, and it is quite common to get into a stranger's car that was requested from the internet! The sea change shift of perception of what is known as the "sharing economy" is what will ignite the fire under digital assets.
5. The sharing economy must be built on more than just trust. Digital asset transactions are overseen by the nearly immutable truth of the blockchain.
6. Blockchain technology will become universal. Gold and physical commodities can just be used for a few things like storing wealth, industrial uses, and jewelry. Blockchain-based currencies, however, are part of a much larger shift in technology. Some pundits even go as far as to state that the blockchain will forever change contract law, governments, and the global order.
7. JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon and other entrenched financial leaders have come out vehemently against bitcoin. While the public may see this as a bearish signal, professional investors understand that it is extremely bullish over the long run. They can see that behind these harsh public statements is simple fear. Large banks are afraid that there may be a mass acceptance of cryptocurrencies, which would damage their profits. In financial lingo, Jamie Dimon is talking his "book" and has a clear agenda in speaking out against bitcoin.
Risks To Consider: Extreme volatility goes hand in hand with digital currencies like bitcoin. Anything can happen in this new frontier of investing. Only invest money that you can afford to lose in bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency.
Action To Take: Risk-embracing investors should consider buying bitcoin or other digital currency like ether or ripple to ride the wave of the future. Welcome to the most exciting financial revolution since the internet!
Editor's Note:Sustainable energy is not cheap . In fact, it's the most expensive component in an electric car. But Tesla founder Elon Musk is determined not only to make it affordable worldwide... but to also get even wealthier from this "sunshine in a box" technology as it applies to your home. Folks who get in on this huge $1.3 trillion opportunity have the potential to profit 10X over... Full details here ...
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